Doctoral Students

Katrin Korfmann
Started in

Research summary



Katrin Korfmann (1971, DE) is a photographic artist, researcher, and educator who graduated in photography at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, was a residency artist at the Rijksakademie Amsterdam, and is currently lecturing at the KABK The Hague.

Her artistic work is rooted in photographic practice, employing images and installations as a means to explore the potentials, promises, limitations, and perspectives inherent in the medium. These explorations are concerned with the investigation of social constructions in public space and the decoding and interpretation of these constructions through the use of the photographic medium.

Her work has been awarded numerous prizes, including Prix de Rome (2nd), Esther Kroon Award, Bieler Fototage Prize, and received various grants from international institutions such as the Akademie der Künste Berlin, Robert Bosch and Würth Foundation and Mondriaan Fund. Korfmann published three artist monographs and has received commissions from several organizations, including the Ministry of Finance, Rijksgebouwendienst, Schiphol Airport, AMC Amsterdam, and Stockholm County Council. She has exhibited internationally including Photography Museum Rotterdam, Museum of Contemporary Art The Hague; Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art Kansas; Aperture New York; Three Shadows Art Centre Xiamen, and Frankfurter Kunstverein.


Individual projects