Doctoral Students

Dina Mohamed
Started in

Research summary

The Organic Artist, or: Who Gets to Be the Artist?

On the Intersection of Art, Social Change and Technology

This research project is an inquiry into the conditions and societal role of art and the artist. Inspired by Antonio Gramsci’s concept of the "Organic Intellectual" and his critique of intellectualism as a specialized field, it proposes the idea of an "Organic Artist" as an agent for societal transformation and challenges the notion of art as a traditional profession. Inspired by the practices of avant-garde movements that aimed to democratize art by de-skilling artists and integrating art into daily life, this endeavour seeks to explore and experiment with practices that transcend the confines of capitalist art specialization.

In today's landscape, where advancements in AI-generated art prompt deep reflection on the essence of artistic creation and the evolving dynamic between creators, their creations, and technology, the intersection of art and technology emerges as a critical focal point. This juncture becomes pivotal in considering the role of the artist and the democratization of art. While the new technologies pose economic and ethical challenges, this project seeks to address those challenges head on by developing socially oriented artistic practices that leverage AI for art production. The overarching goal is to examine how—and if—these technologies can contribute to democratizing art production by addressing traditional distinctions between artists and non-artists, as well as between art and life, while also navigating the potential drawbacks and complexities that arise.

Going beyond theoretical exploration, this project actively engages in experimenting with Gen-AI Art, utilizing AI-generated images and videos as mediums of expression that transcend professional boundaries and embrace the "popular." Furthermore, the research involves collaboration with diverse groups of artists and non-artists to develop platforms that reimagine audience participation and inclusivity in art production. Through these endeavours, the project aims to enrich the discourse on the role and position of the artist in contemporary society.



Dina A.Mohamed is an artist and a researcher with a cross-dispensary background who works through different mediums of video, performance, and writing. Her research and artistic practice are concerned with understanding the political despondency caused by complex intertwining structures of economics, politics, and technology. Her works revolve around themes such as Movement, Privilege, Class, Memory, and Violence.

Dina was born in Egypt in 1987. She holds an MA degree in Art Praxis from the Dutch Art Institute, ArtEZ University of the Arts (NL), and a BA in philosophy from the American University in Cairo (EG). She is co-founder of the Fuck Healing (?) collective and Sokoon Collective in Amsterdam. She is the convener for the 2023/2024 Fellowship for Situated Practice at Basis Voor Actuele Kunst (BAK), Utrecht (NL). Dina is coordinator of the minor course “Creative Strategies For Society in Change” at Leiden University. She lives in Amsterdam.


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